Dr. Singers Under Eye REVAMP

Skin in this delicate area is often the first to thin and show signs of aging. We offer safe, effective options for any budget.

Silver Revamp

Your body’s own PRP is injected to lessen dark circles. No down time. Can be done on your lunch hour!

Three sessions 4-6 weeks apart 

$1500 total. 

Gold Revamp

Tiny PDO threads are inserted to lessen eye wrinkles, tighten, and create collagen/elastin. Minimal down time, and you will be out the door in under an hour! 

Two sessions three months apart. $1000 each.

Platinum Revamp

A combination of our Silver and Gold ReVamp. Tiny PDO threads and then PRP are injected, thickening the under eye area skin over time. Minimal down time, with amazing results.

Two treatments three months apart. $1250 each.

Diamond Revamp

The ultimate under eye restoration procedure. Dr Singer will insert tiny PDO threads, then high potency exosomes are injected to greatly improve eye area texture. 

Two treatments three months apart. $1800 each.